Elizabeth Wahl Colvin Memorial

Elizabeth Wahl Colvin: 1916- 2018
On January 6, 2018 Betty Colvin left this world for a better place. She passed away in her sleep just a few weeks shy of her 102nd birthday- St. Valentine’s Day. Because her family is scattered all across America- I decided creating this space for her remembrance would make it possible for all of us to participate in the celebration of her life.
Dear Family and Friends,
I would invite each of you, friends and family, to contribute photographs, memories, stories told about her by her brothers and other dear family and friends…or whatever else you might think other friends and family might want to hear about her. My e-mail is [email protected], my snail mail is Chris Colvin, 217 Morning Star Drive, Kalispell, MT 59901, and my phone number is 406-897-4923.
Mother was a treasure to everyone who knew her. Every new CNA- Certified Nurse’s Assistant- (a new acronym for the lowest level of nursing home labor) marveled at her ability to learn their name, and remember their life stories- which she drew out of them. She was clearly different from all the rest, and she lived a good life being that way with everyone. She’d get off an airplane, while I helped her with her bags she’d tell me the life story of the lady sitting next to her on the plane (waiting for her bags, too) who would blush with embarrassment, having assumed the old woman wouldn’t remember any of it! She was a character, for sure. Please share your stories, and I’ll make her a good website.
While Mom was able, she did her best to keep family and friends in touch and I think she would be proud to have favorite pictures of her favorite people on her memorial website. We have an e-guest register Betty’sWorld and a blog Betty’sBlog so that everyone in the family can find the e-mail address of everyone else in the family by coming to this site, and exchange greetings. For those of you who optimize your own images, I usually choose 1000 pixels horizontal, 800 vertical, 72 resolution and 10 seconds as my approximate load time. Send your images and stories to [email protected] (that’s me, Chris Colvin) and I’ll incorporate them into the next generation website.
When I was last in Arkansas I went through her old slides, bought a digitizer, took the digitized images into Photoshop. You can share your photos and stories via e-mail, snail mail, good photos or not so good…I can digitize it, fix it up. You can forward this link to anyone who might want to see it… chriscolvinmt.com/family . I’m including some of Mom’s old images, some helped with a touch of Photoshop- just to spark your memory. Thank you all. Chris